279 Free Resume Templates

Hloom released 279 AMAZING and FREE resume templates! You can find them all by clicking here, and check out a few of our favorites below!

Note: You will need to scroll down or CTRL+F the title of the resumes.

Free Professional Resume Template: Skilled

A free professional resume template that highlights your skills and contains a little bit of design. Change the colors as you want! Comment below if you used it, I'd love to see it! (Sans personal information of course).

Cover Letter Examples

Five+ cover letter examples found around the web. I read (most of) them and ensured that they were written within the last year (2013 - 2014). Enjoy the fruits of my labor! I will try to post one of these articles every week if people find them helpful. Comment any examples of cover letters you have found around the web and I'll feature you in my next cover letter example post!

Cover letter examples:

1. Ask A Manager: Before and After Example - Sales Coordinator Cover Letter
2. Ask A Manager: Before and After Example 2 - Staff Writer Cover Letter
3. Big Interview: Six Cover Letter Examples - From Job Transitioning, Entry Level, to Senior Executive Cover Letters
4. Susan Ireland: Story - Trainee Cover Letter
5. Susan Ireland: HR - Human Resources Entry Level Cover Letter

Remember to comment below which ones helped you and any others you have found!

What should I write in the email of a job application?

 You have the perfect customized resume and cover letter, and now you're stuck. Why? The job posting has asked you to email somebody rather than uploading to an automated system. This is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because you know that human eyes will read your resume and cover letter. It is a curse because now you have to type something into that confounded email space. So what do you write in your email?

 You have a couple of options.

1. Copy and paste the cover letter

This is an okay option, especially if you're not sure what else to do. However, (and this is important!), you should acknowledge that you have also attached the cover letter. For example:

"I have also attached my cover letter in the form of a PDF so you can easily forward it on if needed."

That way they don't open it expecting something different. Not a big deal, but still nice to acknowledge.

2. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point.


"Thank you for posting this opportunity on __job search site__. After researching your company and culture, I believe I would make a great fit. I look forward to hearing from you. -Signature"

"I have attached my resume and cover letter for the __job title__ position you have open. I have previous experience in __skill they're looking for__ and __company__ looks like a great place to work. When will you be holding interviews?"

The worst thing you can do is to leave it blank. Well, maybe the worst thing you could do would be to send an email drunk at 2 am on a Friday night, but let's assume you're of sound mind while you're typing this up. As always, good luck on the job search! 

Professional Resume: Simple

A nice simple resume. I would even experiment with adding a personal statement above the "Work and Leadership" section. For tips on how to write a personal statement, check out my post on it here